However, in the case of optional subjects, the Commission shall have no option but to order re-examination in the said optional paper(s) if discrepancies in question paper(s)/answer key(s) is/are of such a nature where the question(s) is/are to be deleted.
All the latest updates and news about this can display by our site management team at a period of time in the whole day.
0 Any help? Leave your Question (We will reply you with in 3 Days).
NOTE: Marks obtained by the candidates in the (Preliminary) examination will not be counted for the purpose of final order of merit. The seats were vacant for the posts of Assistant Manager, Steno & Typist, Jr.Clerk and Programming Assistant etc.
English and English Essay 2. and others, 1986(4) SLR 487 and upon the judgment of the Division Bench of the Andhra Pradesh High Court in P.Subbarao and others vs
.ï¶ Indian polity and governance âConstitution, political system, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights issues, etc. In the official website there the department created many features candidates please read all informationâs itâs important for your future..
After publishing the said answer key, the Commission should in all fairness call for representations from the candidates within some specified time which representations received, if any, be also referred to the Committee of Experts, who may also go into this aspect and submit its report to the Commission
.Assistant District Attorney -137 posts Veterinary Surgeon -225 posts.
Syllabus for General Awareness : HIndian Society, History & Culture, Polity, Economics, Development Programmers, Science and Technology, Ecology and Environment, Current Affairs â National & International Importance.. Recently they are going through recruitment to fill vacancies for the post of NaibTehsildar and process for the same has been started..
Click Here For Admit Card. Haryana was known with which among the following terms during the Mahabharata age?.
As per the official notification of Haryana Public Service Commission, Reference to Advt. Civil Engineering â Paper I (Conventional) 5
Post Name | No. of Posts |
Botany | 42 |
Bio-Tech | 06 |
Chemistry | 150 |
Commerce | 256 |
Computer Science | 167 |
Def. studies | 14 |
Economics | 42 |
English | 78 |
Fine Arts | 03 |
Geography | 171 |
Geology | 05 |
Hindi | 112 |
History | 50 |
Home Science | 12 |
Mass Communication | 08 |
Math | 166 |
Music (I) | 07 |
Music (V) | 06 |
Philosophy | 01 |
Physical Education | 09 |
Physics | 142 |
Political Science | 44 |
Psychology | 38 |
Public Administration | 07 |
Punjabi | 08 |
Sanskrit | 39 |
Sociology | 15 |
Tourism | 09 |
Zoology | 40 |
Total | 1647 |
Download your respective Set Wise or Booklet Series Wise Answer Sheet and check your Solution.
"Such a reasoning is ex-facie fallacious since the deletion gave a premium to those candidates who had given wrong answers.
The Haryana Public Service Commission has released a notification recently for recruitment of qualified candidates into Assistant District Attorney posts.
Tags : jobs,,govt jobs,recruitment,upsc,hpsc,answer key,question paper,hpscb junior clerk answer key 2015,
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