Friday, April 15, 2016

APPSC GROUP 4 SYLLABUS 2016 Official New Syllabus GROUP-IV at TS Notifications 2016, CET 2016: APPSC GROUP 4 SYLLABUS 2016 Official New Syllabus GROUP-IV at

Section 1 : Role & Impact of science and technology in the Development of India Section II : General awareness with modern trends in Life sciences.

It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type.

Information provided free of cost by is collected from various sources such as notifications, statements and any other sources or any one of them, offered by organizations, periodicals, websites, portals or their representatives.

Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and effects..

National and Per Capita Income and Human Development

. APPSC Group 4 Syllabus.

Therefore, we need smart, positive, motivating, innovative individuals having experience in teaching for various competitive examinations..

Compulsory Subjects and General English. APPSC GROUP 2 NEW SYLLABUS 2016. 5) Numerical and Arithmetical abilities.. These Notification will be issued in the form of Group 1,Group 2,Group 4 on various posts depending upon the vacancies available.APPSC Notification 2016 will be published in its official website or in the leading news paper of andhra pradesh.. Logical Reasoning Re-arrangement of sentences with a view to improving analysis of a passage

S.No Exam Paper Marks Duration
1. Written Test I 150 150 Minutes
II 150 150 Minutes
III 150 150 Minutes
Total 450

Examination conducted by the Board of Technical.

Appsc group 2 syllabus 2016-17. It is the good method to study well for preparing to a written test. Junior Typists in Offices of the Heads of the Departments.Assistant EngineerAssistant Director of Legal MetrologyAssistant Motor Vehicle InspectorAssistant Conservator of ForestsIndustrial Promotion Officer.      Paper one general studies


The APPSC is an approved PSC for the Andhra Pradesh State.

The onus in case of doubt, of Proof of recognition by the D.E.C.

Class VIII – Biology :Click Here To Download PDF in Telugu.

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