Thursday, April 14, 2016

PPSC civil services answer key 2015

FacebookTwitterGoogle+E-mail. The upper age limit for a Punjab Government employee, including that of a court, who has not less than four years continuous service under the Government, will be relaxable up to 45 years.. Kinindia will update it soon..

The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination shall not be counted towards final result.

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Candidates can download Punjab PSC Civil Services Answer Key or PPSC Civil Services Answer Sheet 2014 through the official main web portal that is by following these steps-. PPSC Civil Services Mains GK Previos Paper 3.

2.    Develop conception about the inter-connections and relation among the topics wherever required..

 Model Question papers with answer PDF Free Download Here.

3. List of candidates qualified for DSP 03 01 Post of Director Youth Services Sports & Youth Services Department, Punjab 14-Oct-2009 28-Oct-2009 Interview stayed by Hon’ble High Court vide order dt. 45) A channel which neither silts nor scours is in.

Analytical and Mental ability etc,


However, the candidate shall be required to produce proof of passing the degree course for being eligible to take the Main Competitive Examination during that year. The Preliminary Competitive Examination is designed to sift suitable candidates for the Main Competitive Examination. Qualification : Candidates must possess as on 25/02/2015 a Degree of Bachelor of Laws of any University incorporated by Law in India or a Degree of Bachelor of Laws of  Punjab University (undivided), The Dacca University, The Tribhuwan University, Nepal, The Sind University or of The Rangoon or Mandalay University in Burma, or should be a Barrister of England or Ireland or member of the Faculty of Advocates of Scotland..

A huge number of candidates had appeared for PPSC PSCSCCE Prelim 2015 Exam. However, LDESM category candidates shall have to appear in all the papers, including optional subjects..

Jobs | Upcoming Police Jobs | Bank Jobs. (d) Affidavit from the candidate that he/she is un-employed, and that he/she has neither already availed the benefit of additional marks nor shall avail this concession in future.


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Sl. No. Subject / Paper Maximum Marks
01. Punjabi (in Gurumukhi Script) Compulsory (of 10+2 Standard) 100
02. English Compulsory (of 10+2 standard) 100
03. Essay 150
04. General Studies Paper-I (History, Geography and Society) 250
05. General Studies Paper-II (Indian Constitution & Polity, Governance and International Relations) 250
06. General Studies Paper-III (Economy, Statistics and Security issues) 250
07. General Studies Paper-IV (Science & Technology, Environment, Problem Solving and Decision Making) 250
. Total 1350
Personality Test 150
Grand Total



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