Friday, April 15, 2016

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC): Indian Forest Service Examination 2014

Union Public Service Commission is fully responsible for conducting the Indian Forest Service exam  All Over India. UPSC IFS Examination 2015 Recruitment Official Notification. Most Important Topics 12th Class Result 2016 Intermediate 1st 2nd Year 10th Class Board Exam Result 2016 IBPS Alerts 2015-2016 AIPMT Alerts 2015-2016 IBPS PO Updates 2015-2016 IBPS SO Updates 2015-2016 CBSE TET Updates 2015-2016 IBPS RRB Scale I II III 2015-16. Personality test and interview will be of 300 marks..

Candidates will appear for preliminary exam first, successful candidates of this exam will be allowed to sit in the main exam

Paper No. Name of the Subject Total Marks Total Time Duration
Paper 1 General English 300 3 hours
Paper 2 General Knowledge 300 3 hours
Paper 3 Optional Subject 1, Paper 1 200 3 hours
Paper 4 Optional Subject 1, Paper 2 200 3 hours
Paper 5 Optional Subject 2, Paper 1 200 3 hours
Paper 6 Optional Subject 2, Paper 2 200 3 hours
. The Prelims is basically a screening test and its performance is not taken into consideration for ranking in the final selection. 1 Comprehension 2 Interpersonal skills including communication skills 3 Logical Reasoning and analytical ability 4 Decision making and problem solving 5 General Mental Ability 6 English language comprehension skills UPSC Indian Forest Service Mains guess paper / Syllabus PDF 2015 Part-B UPSC IFS Mains Examination Syllabus: Paper Subject Marks Paper I General English 300 Paper II General Knowledge 300 Paper III Optional Subject 1 200 Paper IV Optional Subject 1 200 Paper V Optional Subject 2 200 Paper VI Optional Subject 2 200. Methods of measuring - diameter, girth, height and volume of trees; form-factor; volume estimation of stand, current anuual increment; mean annual increment
. Arthropoda : Larval forms and parasitism in Crustacea; vision and respiration in arthropods (prawn, cockroach and scorpion); modification of mouth parts in insects (cockroach, mosquito, housefly, honey bee and butterfly); metamorphosis in insects and its hormonal regulation; social organization in insects (termites and honey bees).. A corrigendum to the earlier notification dated 05.03.2013, has accordingly been issued by the Government on 25.03.2013, vide corrigendum notification number 13018/01/2013- AIS(I), dated 25th March, 2013.

Metamporphic grdes and zones. Structural Steel: Factors of safety and load factors


Candidates should remember that they are mandatory to bring IFS Main Exam Call Letter 2015 if they want to enter Examination premises. 22).Delhi, Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli Police Service, Group B.

(iv) Indian P & T Accounts & Finance Service, Group ‘A’.. Manual of Office Procedure issued by the Min.

Current Affairs History of India and Indian National Movement Indian and World Geography Indian Polity and Governance Economic and Social Development Questions on climate, bio diversity, environment General Science. Notwithstanding the disqualification/ cancellation of candidature, the fact of appearance of the candidate at the examination will count as an attempt.

Part C is the Personality Test & Interview.

Chemical Engineering Paper II/.

Tags : exam,forests,upsc ifs,upsc ifs exam,upsc civil services & ifs syllabus 2016,upsc civil services & ifs exam pattern 2016,upsc civil services & ifs sample papers 2016,upsc civil services & ifs model papers 2016,upsc civil services & ifs previous question papers,upsc,upsc ifs syllabus,upsc ifs mains exam pattern & syllabus 2016,ifs 2015,upsc results,union public service commission,upsc news,ias exam,civil services,upsc civil services,,upsc syllabus,examination,syllabus,indian,foreign,service,paper,civil,pattern,services,written,interview,csat syllabus,upsc exam,mba jobs,it jobs,career,careers,employ,english,indian administrative service,indian foreign service,eligibility,results,aptitude,exam date

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