J&K Police Answer Key 2016 with complete paper solution & cut off marks.
Mathematics â Topics that may include are Number System, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Probability, Statistics etc. In this notification we will provide you the complete details regarding JK Police Constable Result 2016, Answer Key, Cut off Marks, Merit List, Expected Cut off Marks, Date of declaration of Jammu Kashmir Police Constable (Armed/Executive) Result of Written Exam held on 20 March 2016 etc..
Jammu and Kashmir Police Constable Syllabus .
Job Category: Government Job
.Those who are eagerly looking for the exam paper solution suggested visiting this page regularly..
Organization Name : Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) Police Department
.Applicants can download JK Police Constable exam answer key once it goes live formally by Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) Police Department.
The examination result of this examination to next process of selection process to select eligible candidate for various vacant post of it. J&K Police Constable Admit card 2015.
Decision Making and Mirror Images.
Job Location:Â Jammu and Kashmir
General Students | 76% -84 |
SC Students | 64%-71 |
ST Students | 61%- 69 |
OBC Students | 67%- 74% |
PH Students | 55%- 61% |
Women | 58%- 64% |
Exam Date : 06th Dec 2015 (Sunday)Â .
Identical Grouping & Embedded Figures, Direction Sense. Cut Off Marks will be available soon when official website issued notification. JK Police Constable Result 2016 of Written Exam held on 20 March jkpolice.gov.in.
The aspirants who were hunting for the Latest Police Constable Jobs in Jammu Kashmir were previously applied for the resultant notification which was having vast vacancies in the police department. It conducts various examinations for filling up vacancies with eligible candidates.
Therefore applicants are advised to wait with patience for the result announcement and in order to relieve candidates from tension the examination board has provided them with answer key..
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