Friday, April 15, 2016

RMSA Assam TET Syllabus 2016 Graduate Teacher Exam Pattern

Political and Economic development. Not simply this, moreover they provide applicable and complete information concerning the employment alternatives in India, information in regards to the current tendencies within the employment sector in addition to the marketplace state of affairs.. Job applicants are very cautious to start their preparation for the examination which is going to be conducted very soon..

b) Candidate must have minimum academic and professional qualification as follows:

. Download Assam TET Syllabus 2016. Applicant who have completed their B.ed in relevant subject can apply over here for Assam TET Exams

All the eligible aspirants from various places from Assam had participated in the online application process.

We’re getting the Assam Special TET Examination Training pdf for download from your link given below. Assam TET Syllabus 2016 for Current Events. Matters of State, National and International importance, Political and Economic developments, Culture, Art, Literature, Games, Sports, Scientific and Technological advancements, etc.. Jobs Recruitment 2016 Free Practice Test For Exam Preparation Latest Jobs Notification in Last 7 Days Primary Teacher Recruitment 2016.

General Studies & Current Affairs 50 50 Subject Specific 50 50 Total 100 100 Assam TET Syllabus for General Studies History and Culture of India with Special Emphasis on Assam History

Sr.  No. Paper Subject Questions Marks
1. Written Test


General Studies & Current Affairs 50 50
Subject Specific 50 50
Total   100

Assam TET Syllabus 2016. ATET Written Exam Syllabus for the following subjects is given below:. History and Culture of India with Special Emphasis on Assam History.

business 0.3very good fof page..

Totally, examination shall be MCQ type questions.

@minal acharya: Yes you are eligible.

Name of organisation: Assam Secondary Education Schools.. General Science and Technology.

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APSC Combined Competitive Exam 2015

CG Professional Examination Board. Indian Parliament – Executive and Judiciary.

Click Here for Syllabus. Government Labour Officer.

Group 1 (General Knowledge for Preliminary Exam).


Every year APSC is recruits eligible candidates in to the vacancies by publishing notifications on their official web site portal


Countries & Capitals etc

Paper Type Subjects Max. Marks Exam Time
Paper – I General Studies 200 Marks 2 Hours
Paper – II One Optional Subject to be selected from a list of 28 subjects 200 Marks 2 Hours

Sr Teacher (Gr-II) [General Knowledge].

Inspector of Co-operative Societies.

Lecturer (Govt Deg College) [Mathematics]. Persons with Disability should ascertain the post for which a particular category of disability is entitled for reservation as per the advertisement and should apply/opt the preference accordingly at the time of filling up forms for Main Examination.. NCERT books on Economics. S.N.O Name Of the Post Vacancy  1  Assam Civil Servier 30 2 Assam Land & Revenue service 60 3 Asst Register of co Operative Societies 01 4 Labour Inspector 06 5 Inspector of Taxes 25 6 Inspector of Excise 02.

The APSC also has to conduct Departmental Examinations in every six month for different categories of Govt. WB Sub Inspector/Lady Sub Inspector.

Click Here for Syllabus. Click Here for Syllabus

. Click Here for Syllabus.

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Tslprb Syllabus Si Pdf File 2016 Indian Results Published

How to Apply: Eligible candidates may submit their application in the prescribed format along with attested copies of all relevant certificates, 3 recent passport size colour photographs, self addressed envelope affixed with postage stamp of Rs. That as we know that the department of the Police of Arunachal Pardesh going to recruit eligible and fit candidates for the various vacant post of the Police Department. Time duration 60 minutes. There are various posts in Arunachal Pradesh Police like Constable, Head Constable, Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI), Sub Inspector (SI), DSP, SP and DGP.

In that, 206 posts are for Constables department, 3 posts are for Head Constable Departments, and 15 posts are for Constable Driver posts

Sr.No. Post Name Tirap District Longding District Changlang District
1 SI — — 02
2 CT (Telecom) — 01 01
3 CT (DVR) 01 02 03
4 CT (GD) 11 19 33
5 Cook 01 01 02
6 Barber — 01 01
7 Sweeper — 01 01
8 W/C — — 01
. We are providing the Arunachal Pradesh Constable Exam Syllabus, Exam Pattern 2015 for the support of the candidates.. Recently it has published 82 vacancies for police constable.

After written test they must called for the PET (Physical Efficiency Test) Finally Interview taken by the Officials of the department

. Having been comprised only in 1972, Arunachal Pradesh Police leftovers one of the youngest police armed forces of the country. Applicants those whoever applied to the notification of constable can now download the Arunachal Pradesh Police Syllabus 2016.

It is the law enforcement agency for the state of Arunachal Pradesh in India.

All the district headquarters of the erstwhile NEFA were established between 1953 and 1955.

 Arunachal Pradesh Financial scene.

Age limit of the candidates must meet by all as mentioned by the Arunachal Pradesh Police Recruitment 2016 notice.

General English- 50 Marks2. For Constable, it’s carried out for 15 marks & for Constable(Driver) &Follower employees it’s carried out for 10 marks.. 2 ) Open and read the genuine notice at the above discussed website.

. So, aspirants are likely to face high competition for Arunachal Pradesh Police Department Written Examination.

registration number, date of birth. After reading notification, you follow the given instructions.

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Arunachal Pradesh Police Recruitment 2016, 82 Sports Quota Posts

Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh.. NOTE – below we are regular update a list regarding police job in all state. Arunpol Constable Syllabus pdf.

Total No of Vacancy :  67 Post.

General Knowledge-100.

Starting Date for Submission of Application: 20-01-2016..

Director General of Police,

. The last date to submit the application form is 18th February, 2016.

Solved paper will also proved by our portal..  Identify of the Submit: Sub-Inspector, Head Constable & Different Posts

                   Name Of the Post                Number of Vacancies
1. Sub-Inspector Posts                                02
2. HC (Telecom) Posts                                02
3. Constable (GD) Posts                                63
4. Constable (Driver) Posts                                06
5. Cook Posts                                04
6. Barber Posts                                02
7. Sweeper Posts                                02
8. W/C Post                                01

Elementary Maths – 100. Arunachal Pradesh Police question paper:-.

Arunachal Pradesh Police Constable Syllabus PDF.

Arunachal Pradesh Police has made announcement to recruit dedicated and efficient job hunters for the position of Constable (Male / Female).

The applicants are going to be instructed regarding the Arunachal Pradesh Police SI Exam Syllabus as well as exam patterns at the earliest opportunity.. Elementary Maths- 100 marks.

It is the law enforcement agency for the state of Arunachal Pradesh in India.

The Applicants have to attend Physical Efficiency Test, Written Test followed by Personal Interview. HC – 18 years to 24 years. The test will also include questions relating to India and its neighboring countries especially pertaining to Sports, History, Culture, Geography, Economic scene, General Polity including Indian Constitution and Scientific Research etc.

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BSE Orissa class10 Additiona 2 Result 2015 | Syllabus for Odisha

business 0.3when will arunachaltet will conduct. Paper I and II: Those interested in teaching from Class I to VIII will have to appear and qualify in both the papers. In recent APTET exam i secured 86 out of 150 but i am yet to complete my two years b.ed course..

As per the latest update results available to download in official page and here candidates can read the details of direct link of results..

Language Pandit & Physical Education Teacher: 10th May 2015.

S.No Topics No. of Questions No. of Marks Duration
1. Environmental Studies 30 30  2 1/2 Hours
( 150 Minutes)
2. Language I (Hindi) 30 30
3. Language II  30 30
4. Mathematics 30 30
5. Child Development and Pedagogy  30 30
TOTAL 150 150
. APTET 2015 Notification, Application Form, Exam Date, Paper 1 2 Syllabus.

The last date for submission of Application Form in BEO’s Office is 16 Sep 2016.. Please read our complete Disclaimer..

Environmental Engineering. The minimum criteria for this category are also 50 percent in graduation, B.Ed and Post Graduate degree.

Logon to official site Click on Teacher Eligibility Test (TET 2015) Click Answer key Click the link for the TET you have applied for Check your answers with SET or code wise. 05/ 2014 – 15 Click Here for Syllabus UPSSSC Conductor Advt No

. Paper II: For those want to teach classes between VI and VIII. Here are the details of the APTET notification, syllabus, question pattern, eligibility details..

of Higher Education, U.P Click Here for Syllabus UPPSC Lecturers (Defence Studies or Military Science) in Dept. For this large number’s of cadidates were applied across the state now all the applicants are looking to eagerly for been download the Scheme of Examination..

You are most welcome with your specific query and question. General Knowledge -50 marks. 4. The questions in the test for Paper I will be based on the topics prescribed in syllabus of the NCERT for classes I – V but their difficulty standard as well as linkages, could be up to the Secondary stage.

. A pass in graduation and passed or appearing in final year of 2 year Diploma in Elementary Education which may be known by any other name as well..

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AP Police Constable Latest Exam Pattern 2016 Archives

There will be an objective type written test and the AP police SI syllabus is:.

To make the department more powerful, a state government is seeking candidate those can understand their responsibilities and ready to serve for the state.  Arunachal Pradesh Police. APPD is looking for 82 dynamic candidates to recruit in the Police department. For Men: – Candidates will have to run 5 kms within 25 minutes.

Interested and eligible candidates can apply after the releasing of AP Police Constable Recruitment Notification 2016, through online mode from the official website of organization. Telangana State Police Recruitment Board announces the number of vacancies in SI/Constable post 2015


History of India, Indian culture, Indian National Movement. The Andhra Pradesh police department announced a notification  for the police constable.the number of job seekers has applied for this Exam.The Andhra Pradesh police department will be declared the Exam pattern & exam syllabus.

08 Qualifying Time / Distance 01 100 metres run 4.50 mtrs

S.No Name of the Post Physical Standard
1 Stipendiary Cadet Trainee (SCT) Police Constables (Civil)(Men)
in Police Department
Height: Must not be less than 167.6 cms.
Chest: Must not be less than 86.3 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms.
2 Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (AR) (Men) in
Police Department
Height: Must not be less than 167.6 cms.
Chest: Must not be less than 86.3 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms.
3 Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (APSP) (Men) in
Police Department
Height: Must not be less than 167.6 cms.
Chest: Must not be less than 86.3 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms
4 Constables (Men) in Special Protection Force (SPF) Department Height: Must not be less than 167.6 cms.
Chest: Must not be less than 86.3 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms
5 Firemen in A.P. Fire & Emergency Services Department Height: Must not be less than 167.6 cms.
Chest: Must not be less than 86.3 cms round the chest on full inspiration with a minimum expansion of 5 cms
6 Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (Civil) (Women) in
Police Department
Height: Must not be less than 152.5 cms Weight: Must not be less than 40 kgs
7 Stipendiary Cadet Trainee Police Constables (AR) (Women) in
Police Department
Height: Must not be less than 152.5 cms
Weight: Must not be less than 40 kgs
. ii) Each eye must have a full field of vision.. Examination Name: AP Police Examination.

Then a page will appear with the current recruitment available.

Medical Standard Test.

AP State Police official website

. Here you can find all study materials and previous question papers PDF’s for free download. For that only thing you have to do is just apply for that position if meet eligibility criteria and perform well in interview. It is expected that a total of 1728 DSP, CI, SI, head constables and constables vacancies are going to be announced with the apply online facility through AP Police official website shortly.

B.       Treatmeant.

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AP Police Notification 2014-Constable Sub Inspector SI Jobs

Name of the post            Max. Category: Syllabus and Exam Pattern. Arunachal Pradesh Police Recruitment Board has recently issued an official Notification for the Recruitment of Candidates for 82 Vacancies of  Sub Inspector, Constable, HC Posts.

After the release of notifications, we will provide the exact date and schedule of examination..

Candidates can examine the official web site for Telangana Police Syllabus together with Exam Pattern.


Solving the AP Police Constable old question papers to know the subjects you are weak and the subjects you need to improve.

Telangana Police SI Notification 2016 Eligibility Criteria

Papers Subjects Marks
SCT SI (men &women)SCT reserved SI& SI SPF
Paper IArithmetic and test of reasoning/ Mental ability200100
Paper IIGeneral studies200100
Paper IIIEnglish (descriptive type)100100
Paper IVTelugu/Urdu (descriptive type)100100
. Sub Inspector of Police (civil) Head Constable Head Constable (women) Class ­B Women Police Assistant Sub Inspector of Police (women) Assistant Sub Inspector of Police (civil) Sub Inspector of Police (women). Those candidates who ready for apply, here we advised to candidates that they can check official notification detail and read very carefully the recruitment notification before apply and also check the eligible criteria like education qualification, age limit, Pay scale, application fee and the official notification also contain The details of district wise Post vacancies of AP Police Constable..

13 to 16: The final selection will be strictly on relative merit of the candidates in each category, as obtained by them based on their score out of a maximum of 325 marks in physical efficiency test (125 marks) and written examination (200 marks) (papers III and IV)


For Group ‘B’ Post. (APSP) (Men) in 15th Bn., APSP in Police Department Candidates will have to run five (5) kms within 25 minutes 6.

Selection Criteria: The Andhra Pradesh police SI/ASI/Constable Exam 2015 has following selection criteria through which selection will be made-.


No of posts: 29 posts..

a) Height: Must not be less than 150 cms. Arithmetic: It will include questions on problems relating to number system, simple interest, compound interest, ratio & proportion, average, percentage, profit & loss, time & work, work & wages, time & distance, clocks & calendars, partnership, mensuration etc.

Related Posts:AP Police SI ASI Constable Recruitment Application Form 2015Arun Police Recruitment 2015-16 Constable HC ASI SI…CSBC Bih Police Constable HC ASI SI Recruitment 2015-16HP Police Constable Exam Dates Admit Card Download 2015HP Police 776 Constable Application 2015 NotificationGujarat 8450 Police Bharti PSI ASI Constable Admit Card 2015Karnataka Police Constable KSP PSI Answer Key, Expected Cut…Himachal HP Police Bharti 2015 776 Constable Vacancies…MP Police SI Subedar Constable 2015 Answer KeyGujarat Police 8450 Constable ASI PSI Recruitment Apply….

* Telangana Police Posts Exam Model Papers Download.

The meticulously maintained coaching quality, the whole hearted student support and the healthy competitive environment made Ujwala Academy the unanimous choice..

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lastingtech --

The language that can be opted for Language-I section I Urdu/Telugu/Tamil /Hindi/ Kannada/ Oriya. Total Examination contains 160 questions for 80 marks, each question carry half mark.

The four parts of every paper are:. Telangana DSC School Assistant (SA) 2015 Exam Syllabus and Pattern:.

a) Contents (Present AP State syllabus of VIII, IX, X classes in the concerned subject). In this including TET weight age, more than 76 marks can be scored..

Candidates can visit our website for more updates regarding Telangana DSC Notification 2015, TS DSC Exam Important Dates, Telangana DSC Syllabus & Exam Pattern, TS DSC Previous Papers, Telangana DSC Admit Cards 2015 etc..

The main objective of the NCTE is to achieve planned and coordinated development of the teacher education system..

srinivas says: February 3, 2012 at 6:25 pm. The AP DSC TET and will e named as TRT entrance examination is conducted, with an aim to fill the 9061 Teacher posts for the positions of Secondary Grade Teachers (SGT), School Assistant (SA), and Language Pandit (LP) along with Physical Education Teacher (PET) These jobs are offered in Government, Zilla Parishad, Mandal Parishad Schools across the state of Andhra Pradesh.. • SA English syllabus Click here. junaid says: February 2, 2012 at 7:56 pm


DSC Exam paper will be of objective type multiple choice questions.

Chapter-3 of NCFSE deals with ....

. Dear Applicants This Website will Give TS DSC Model Question Papers 2016 Sample Papers.

TS TET Paper-2 English Medium Model Paper 2016 for bellow Subjects by Pavzi Media.

© 2014-15 Google+ Page | About Us | Disclaimer - User Agreement | Privacy Policy | Contact Us

Sr. No Subjects No. of questions Marks
1 General Knowledge and Current Affairs 10 10
2 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
3 Language-I(opted by Applicants ,Content & Methodology) 70 70
4 Language-II(English, Content & Methodology) 30 30
5 Mathematics,Science,Social Study (Content & Methodology) 60 60
 Total 200 200
. You must confine with your time plan. 1) 2008 - 09 2) 2010 - 11 3) 2009 - 10 4) 2007 - 08. Telangana DSC School Assistant (SA) Exam Model Paper .

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AP DSC 2014-15 TET cum TRT General English Syllabus and Model Question Papers .

Language 1 (Selected by the Candidate) 30 30 4. sampath says: February 5, 2012 at 6:45 pm.

·         SA Social Studies ·         SGT Mathematics. d).Language 2 (English) – 30 Questions – 30 Marks. School Assistant (SA):

Sr. No Subjects No. of questions Marks
1 General Knowledge and Current Affairs 10 10
2 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
3 Language-I (opted by Applicants ,Content &Methodology) 35 35
4 Language-II(English, Content & Methodology) 35 35
5 Mathematics (Content & Methodology) 30 30
6 Environmental Studies 40 40
 Total 180 180

AP DSC 2014 Notification District Wise Vacancies List 12803 Teacher posts. We are providing Telangana DSC Syllabus & Telangana DSC Exam Pattern for the guidance of candidates.

Telangana DSC Syllabus 2015 for School Assistant (Biology). Part-V: Psychology, Materials and Methods of Physical Education


70 IV Language II – English 30 V Arithmetic and Science or Social Research 60 Complete 200  TSPSC DSC PET Examination Sample S.No Examination Half Topic Marks 1 Written Check I Common Information & Present Affairs 30 II Language I – English 30 III Bodily Schooling one hundred twenty Complete 200  TSPSC DSC Faculty Assistant Examination Sample S.No Examination Half Topic Marks 1 Written Check I Basic Information & Present Affairs 10 II Youngster Improvement & Pedagogy 30 III Language I. Name of The Subject Number of Questions  Total Marks General Knowledge & current affairs 20 10 English 20 10 Principles, Philosophy & History of Physical Education 30 15 Organization & administration of physical education 24 12 Psychology, Materials & Methods of Physical Education 24 12 Anatomy, Physiology, Kinesiology 24 12 Health education, Safety education and physiology of exercise 30 15 Officiating and coaching of Physical Education 28 14 Total 200 100 Related Articles:SBI Clerk Written Exam Syllabus And Exam Pattern 2014SBI Clerk Exam Date,Syllabus and Pattern 2014CBSE CTET Sept 2014 Expected SC ST OBC GEN Cut Off Paper 1,2SSC Stenographer Grade ‘C’ and ‘D’ Examination…UPSC Civil Services Prelims Exam Pattern, Cut Off Marks 2014.

For AP DSC Syllabus Exam Time Table: Click Here. (Content & Methodology) 60 Marks. 4.Articles and Prepositions. Official Website:

RRB NTPC Online Mock test. Candidates will be selected based upon their performance in the exams conducted by Telangana PSC.. General Knowledge and Current Affairs.(20-QUESTIONS 10 MARKS).

It is said by officials that the government has not released Telangana notifications for the recruitment of teachers for 3 years, there are about 2 lakhs candidates waiting to take a chance and will apply for positions this year.

DSC 2014 Methodology Subjects Download Here.

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AP TG DSC 2014 Syllabus In Telugu Medium

The total number of teacher posts 10603 is going to fill with DSC-2014 notification.

The Telangana DSC Syllabus pdf is available for download from the link given below. This post is conducted for 8 languages so the papers are for these languages and are Telugu, Hindi, Urdu, Sanskrit, Oriya, Kannada, Marathi and Tamil.

Principles, philosophy and history of physical education. Name of the Examination: DSC. of questions Marks 1 General Knowledge and Current Affairs 10 10 2 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30 3 Language-I(opted by Applicants ,Content & Methodology) 30 30 4 Language-II(English, Content & Methodology) 30 30 5 Mathematics (Content & Methodology) 15 15 6 Biology (Content & Methodology) 70 70 7 Physical Science (Content & Methodology) 15 15  Total 200 200


Now the official notification is released on 16th November 2015. General Knowledge and Current Affairs-10 Marks.

SCHOOL ASSISTANT POST WISE District vacancy details 2014 LANGUAGE PANDIT POST WISE District vacancy details 2014 SECONDARY GRADE TEACHER POST WISE District vacancy details 2014 PET POST WISE District vacancy details 2014.

Telangana DSC Recruitment 2015.

The TSPSC DSC Syllabus is available for download from the link given below Candidates can check the Telangana DSC Syllabus & Telangana DSC Exam Pattern in our website.

Here You can see, all AP DSC recruitment question papers either in Mass Communication and  Language pdf file or in text format many of its are in MCQ (Multiple Choice Question Answers), you can download (free) all papers in pdf files, and for AP DSC Exam Expected Question Paper in text format , please save this page, goto File menu and Save Page.. The test items in Mathematics and Environmental studies will contains MCQ not only on content but also on Pedagogy. of Questions   -20 –  Number of Marks– 10

Sr. No Subjects No. of questions Marks
1 General Knowledge and Current Affairs 10 10
2 Child Development and Pedagogy 30 30
3 Language-I(opted by Applicants ,Content & Methodology) 30 30
4 Language-II(English, Content & Methodology) 30 30
5 Mathematics (Content & Methodology) 15 15
6 Biology (Content & Methodology) 70 70
7 Physical Science (Content & Methodology) 15 15
 Total 200 200

To help you out, we are here providing the Telangana DSC Examination 2015 Syllabus with all the direct download links for your convenience..

If there is any change in it, we will update here.

. చాప్టర్లవారీగా పాఠ్యాంశం చివరన గల ప్రశ్నలకు తేలిక సమాధానాలు డౌన్‌లోడ్‌ చేసుకోవడానికి ఆయా పాఠ్యాంశం పేరుపై క్లిక్‌ చేయండి.


The authorities have revealed the Exam date, and it was scheduled to hold on 24th January 2016. So, The candidates in large number are waiting eagerly for Teacher posts that is TS DSC 2015 notification.

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DSC new SGT Syllabus download Secondary Grade Teacher at ~ AP DSC 2014 Merit List

TS DSC Hindi Question Paper with Answer Key. By clicking on finish button you can finish the exam and prompted to your analysis report.

As per the dates of exam has been concerned there is total 3 to 4 months remains from starting of exam so, start preparation from now so, you can cover complete curriculum..

The management will concentrate (i)Development, Growth & Maturation Concept & Nature, (ii)Development of Personality Concept, Factors effecting development of Personality, (iii)Principles of development, (iv)Adjustment, Behavioral problems, Mental Health and (v)Developmental tasks and Hazards (vi)Methods and Approaches of Child Development and etc. TS DSC SGT Syllabus – Kannada. railway recruitment board. Paper 2 is for Class 6th to Class 8th teachers. AP DSC Syllabus 2015 for SGT/PET/School Assistant Posts Download AP DSC Syllabus 2015 previous Question Papers at,We’ve before said AP DSC 2015 Recruitment Details,this time we’re expected AP DSC 2015 Syllabus and Study Materials,Model Question papers,for AP DSC Exam 2015. TSTET question papers,model papers,results,syllabus,application form,online application,Halltickets,helpline.

Leave your comment here: Click here to cancel reply.

District Selection Committee, which is also called DSC is an entrance test by the state administrations in the country for enrollment of teachers


By clicking on finish button you can finish the exam and prompted to your analysis report

. Telangana DSC Examination 2015 Syllabus and Exam Pattern for SGT:.

in the section of Child Development and Pedagogy..

Share this:Share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window) Related A PHP Error was encountered. Philosophy and History of Physical Education



Max questions

Max marks

General Knowledge & current affairs





proficiency in the language, elements of language, communication & comprehension abilities standard up to 10th class level



Principles, philosophy and history of physical education

U.G. D.P. Ed. Syllabus



Organization and Administration of physical education



Psychology, Materials and methods of Physical Education



Anatomy Physiology and kinesiology



Health Education, safety education and Physiology of Exercise



Officiating and coaching of Physical Education




There is no other chance to the candidates.

Thanx for the valuable information, really love to follow this site here after so please provide any other information regarding to DSC 2012,thanx.

TS DSC SGT Syllabus – Bengali.

These 2 exams will be conducted  by the state government.

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APPSC GROUP 4 SYLLABUS 2016 Official New Syllabus GROUP-IV at TS Notifications 2016, CET 2016: APPSC GROUP 4 SYLLABUS 2016 Official New Syllabus GROUP-IV at

Section 1 : Role & Impact of science and technology in the Development of India Section II : General awareness with modern trends in Life sciences.

It would include questions of both verbal and non-verbal type.

Information provided free of cost by is collected from various sources such as notifications, statements and any other sources or any one of them, offered by organizations, periodicals, websites, portals or their representatives.

Earth quakes / Cyclones / Tsunami / Floods / Drought – causes and effects..

National and Per Capita Income and Human Development

. APPSC Group 4 Syllabus.

Therefore, we need smart, positive, motivating, innovative individuals having experience in teaching for various competitive examinations..

Compulsory Subjects and General English. APPSC GROUP 2 NEW SYLLABUS 2016. 5) Numerical and Arithmetical abilities.. These Notification will be issued in the form of Group 1,Group 2,Group 4 on various posts depending upon the vacancies available.APPSC Notification 2016 will be published in its official website or in the leading news paper of andhra pradesh.. Logical Reasoning Re-arrangement of sentences with a view to improving analysis of a passage

S.No Exam Paper Marks Duration
1. Written Test I 150 150 Minutes
II 150 150 Minutes
III 150 150 Minutes
Total 450

Examination conducted by the Board of Technical.

Appsc group 2 syllabus 2016-17. It is the good method to study well for preparing to a written test. Junior Typists in Offices of the Heads of the Departments.Assistant EngineerAssistant Director of Legal MetrologyAssistant Motor Vehicle InspectorAssistant Conservator of ForestsIndustrial Promotion Officer.      Paper one general studies


The APPSC is an approved PSC for the Andhra Pradesh State.

The onus in case of doubt, of Proof of recognition by the D.E.C.

Class VIII – Biology :Click Here To Download PDF in Telugu.

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TSPSC Group 2 Model Questions Papers 2016 Telugu

Scroll down to have full details about the complete Syllabus and Exam Pattern of the APPSC’s Group II exam:.

Candidates can choose their subject.. Age Limit: Minimum 18 Years to Maximum 44 years..

Contemporary Problems and Developments in Rural Society with Special Reference to Andhra Pradesh:. >>>>        The Satavahanas and their contribution – social structure. Note: Earlier, the executive posts under Group 2 used to have Interviews but recently it was changed. Appsc group 1, group 1 notification, group 1 results, The telangana public service commission chairman ghanta chakrapani 26th december, 2014 notifications group 1 group 2 released.

Written Examination (Objective Type) Interview

. Govt jobs blog is an information and educational and emplyment career site which gives and we provide all information on all state government jobs in india, govt jobs in ap, government jobs in tamil nadu, kerala govt jobs, punjab latest government jobs daily upadtes like sarkari naukri in india daily updates available in this website like this

Institution recognized by the U.G.C


19th Century Resurgence, Growth of Nationalism Attainment of Independence etc.

> Occupational distribution.

Topics in APPSC Group 1 Services Exam Syllabus 2016 – Prelims

Compulsory Subject General English
Subjects Paper – I,II,III
Type Objective Type
Marks 150 Marks (Each Paper)
Duration 02:00 Hrs (Each Paper)

This Paper is totally based on the history of the Andhra Pradesh.

Name of the Organization: Telangana Public Service Commission. Social, Economic and Political Aspects. Endowments Sub-Service 18 to 36 years 4 Assistant Development Officer in A.P.

Paper 3:(150 questions and 150 marks). Agricultural activities are the saliently contributing the income source and employment in the current four decades of AP.. All the question papers except General English may be answered either in English or Telugu or Urdu chosen by the candidate..

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Goal IAS: APPSC Group 1 Prelims Syllabus

Duration given for the test is 3 hours. Andhra Pradesh will be Job location for applicants who are going to short listed finally.

Stay tuned for more details related to the APPSC Recruitment 2016 like the exam dates, Notifications, Previous papers, Answer Keys, Admit Cards, and Results. The APPSC Class 1 Syllabus must be downloaded by to start with, every applicant on its standard website portal

TSPSC Group I – Exam  Papers Marks
Paper – 1 General Studies 150
Paper – 2 History 150
Paper – 3 Economics 150
Paper – 4 Polity , Geography 150
Paper – 5 Science , Technology & Maths 150
Paper – 6 Telangana Movement 150
TOTAL – 1,000
. Acquire Telangana point out PSC Group My partner and i products and services syllabus along with help make review plan you need to anyone prep coming from currently onwards in order to crack the evaluation. For any query/ doubts/ write to us through comment box below, we will update the required details as soon as possible.Read official portal for more accurate details..

He had credited first chairperson f Telangana PSC. Concepts in disaster management and vulnerability profile of India / State of A.P.. Ghanta Chakrapani Chairman for TSPSC says that the candidates who going to attend for the TSPSC Groups Exams, they are most concentrate of such topics that you can gain lot more marks in the exam and you can get the Chance to have in merit..

Few posts have been shifted to this new group and all these will be having interviews at the end, Only if the candidates appearing for these exams will get through the Telangana TSPSC Group – 1 Cut off marks. General English (X Class Standard). Group 1 and Group 2 aspirants first go through with syllabus analysis this will give a idea about the subjects and topics which they want to concentrate and depth of the syllabus will understand

. Study and analysis the syllabus with new model question papers and old question papers will give an idea which topics and questions asking style depth, range and can set preparation plan with knowledge of above set things.

Divisional Fire Officer: 6.

It consists of three papers, i.e., Paper 1, 2, & 3.

These previous papers help the students to start their preparation and score the better marks in written examination.

APSPSC Group 1 Mains Syllabus for General English.

Even though there is revenue deficit AP State Government agreed to recruitment posts in important departments. Additionally, verify the APPSC Group 1 Syllabus for Prelims & Mains Exams 2016, APPSC Group I Previous Papers for Preliminary Exam and Andhra Pradesh PSC Gr 1 Mains Model Papers..

APPSC Group 1 Eligibility Details.

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Andaman And Nicobar Police Recruitment 2016 | Latest govt jobs 2016

The minimum qualifying marks in the written test will be 30%. A&N notification was recently added to Govt Job recruitment list. Arithmetic Number Series. Rajasthan Police Constable Syllabus 2016 Exam Pattern PDF Download, Raj Police Constable Syllabus 2016, Raj Police Constable Exam Pattern, Rajasthan Police Syllabus 2016,. Andaman and Nicobar Police Constable Result 2016: The names of all the candidates selected for the post of constables in the Andaman and Nicobar Police will be published on the official website at very soon.

. 5200-20200/- + Grade pay Rs.

General : 61 (20*) Posts. Interested competitors may apply prescribed format applications on or before the last date i.e. Andaman and Nicobar Police 2016 notification is to be released soon. Dear Candidates/ Job Seekers, when any latest notification issued during the year 2016, we will provide information on the Top of the following Table. Name Of The Post: Constable Executive Posts.

Deadline for Application Form Receipt: 29th February 2016. Good mental and physical health without any physical defects.

Candidates Who Are Interested In making Their Career After 12 Th (PUC) Course in This police Department & Waiting for latest free govt jobs can check this recruitment notification. MP Police Constable Previous (Old) Papers Vyapam Police Model Papers ...

Date for admit card collection from office: October 15th to 31st 2015. The notification consists of all the information like eligibility criteria i.e

Test Subject Marks Duration of the Exam
Written test
  • General Knowledge
  • Reasoning
  • Simple Arithmetic
  • Test of Language
  • Essay
85 2 Hours

Candidates who are willing to apply their age should not exceeding 25 years as on 20-09-2015. Application Mode: Online Application.

. If you have any doubts, feel free to ask us through the below comment box and don’t forget to like our Facebook page..

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UPSC CAPF (AC) Previous Question Papers

(Most of the schemes etc. The CAPF written exam will consist of two differs papers below complete details of paper.

Paramilitary organisations are protective services which have been constituted to maintain internal security and to support the Defence Services in guarding our national borders.

CAPF Personal Interview:. Essay,Precis and Comprehension

. State and UT (for geography related questions)Free Study Material English/Paper IIfor précis, comprehension practice:Last 16 years’ UPSC papers of Compulsory English (1997-2012)Click Mefor Essay fodder points: IGNOU booklet India Democracy and Development (MPS-003)Click Mefor additional Essay practice: big list of mock topicsClick MeNCERT and NIOS (Peripheral).

UpscExam July 30, 2012 at 2:25 pm # Reply. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Interested students can apply for Union Public Service Commission CAPF Assistant Commandant post.

The candidates who will be getting the minimum cutoff marks is possible by maximum no of candidates hence the candidates who need to get the job in CAPF must secure maximum score as they can to qualify.

To view more UPSC jobs click here. As per the latest update results will be declared in Sep 2016 only in official page.

The candidates must get familiar with the UPSC CAPF AC Exam Pattern and Syllabus. UPSC CAPF Assistant Commandant Exam Tips and Tricks. where i goy the application letter?.

The Central Armed Police Forces (AC) Examination – 2015 shall consist of Two Test Papers, viz.,

. Any Recruitment completely based on written examination. to 12.00 Noon and Paper II will be held from 2.00 p.m.

Sunday, 13 March 2016 UPSC CAPF Recruitment 2016 Assistant Commandant 270 Posts at

1. General Mental Ability

This section including quantitative aptitude including numerical ability, logical reasoning and data interpretation.

This section will include the following topics-

Alphabet Test, Logical Sequence of Words, Syllogism, Coding-Decoding, Blood Relation, Direction Sense Test, Alpha-Numeric Sequence Test, Data Sufficiency Number, Ranking and Time Sequence Test, Mathematical Operations.


Ratio and Proportion, Partnership, Percentage, Profit and Loss, Time and Work, Time and Distance, Problems on Trains, Allegation and Mixture, Boats and Streams, Average, Problems on Ages, Compound Interest,

Simple Interest, Area, Volume and Surface Area & Data Interpretation

General Science

Scientific temper, general awareness, scientific phenomena of everyday Observation including new areas of importance like Environmental Science, Information Technology & Biotechnology.

2. General Studies- Current Events

Current events of international & national importance in areas of arts, literature, Sports, governance, culture, music, industry, business, Globalisation & interplay among nations, societal and developmental issues.

Indian and World Geography

Economic, physical & social aspects of Geography related to India and the World.

History of India

This includes the areas of growth of nationalism and freedom movement.

Indian Polity and Economy

Social systems & public administration, Country’s political System and the Constitution of India, human rights including its indicators economic development in India, regional & international security issues.

. The indicative topics are modern Indian history especially of the freedom struggle, geography, polity and economy, knowledge of security and human rights issues, and analytical ability..

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UPSC CAPF AC 2016 Application Form, Notification, Exam Date

It cannot reject or amend a money bill. • Paper I: This paper contains questions in objective type, with multiple choices.. For that ambition civil service bharti was organized to fill in numerous vibhag Medical Dept, Engineering, Accounting, AC and SCRA. B) the book on Tamil grammar. MP Police Constable Syllabus 2016-14000 Police Exam Pattern 2016 PDF ... Download link included at bottom. Note: World history is not in the Syllabus. Eligibility: Candidates should possess Bachelor’s diploma or equal from a acknowledged University/Institute and Colleges.

Age limit for UPSC CAPF 2016.

Upload scanned image of recent colored size photograph & signature of size not more than 50kb & 20kb respectively in jpg/jpeg format.

who qualify the written examination.

For giving examples, use different terms like – for example, for instance, consider this, notably etc

. Indian National Movement.

3rd Tortoise Festival took place at Hojong Lake in Assam on February 21, 2015. If you any more information visit official web site Keep in touch with us to get more updates on world news and many more..

Note: Applicants need to carry one original identity proof while giving exam.. Paper I: General Ability and Intelligence

Category General OBC SC ST Ex-Servicemen
Final Cutoff 294 296 253 262 –

The candidates can understand the complete CAPF Exam Pattern 2016 from the following table..

Duration of the Exam: 01 Day. UPSC CAPF (AC) Exam Notification 2016.

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UPSC IES ISS Exam Indian Economic Service Indian Statistical Service Examination 2016 | IES ISS Exam 2016 Online Application | UPSC Examinations,

The exam for the present session is scheduled to be held on 24th May 2014 for all the eligible applicants.

Sources of demographic data, census, registration, ad-hoc surveys, Hospital records, Demographic profiles of the.

on import substitution and protection, the post-1991 globalisation strategies based on stabilisation and structural. Multi-item inventory subject to constraints. Analysis of missing data..

The candidates will be given questions in both the languages- English as well as Hindi. Estimation methods of maximum likelihood, minimum chi-square, moments and least squares. Candidates are advised to visit the official website for more information about the UPSC IES Exam Pattern and Syllabus 2016. Candidates can also get instant updates from our Facebook page.

The interview will carry 275 marks (with no minimum qualifying marks).

. Concepts of Client Server architecture, Data Base Administrator. understanding of English and workman like use of words.

Open Official Website Click on ‘Change in Scheme of IES/ISS Exam. The last date for applying for this examination was 12th February..

Candidates applying for ISS exam need to have complete their 21 years of age and should not cross 30 years of age..

Download Syllabus PDF for Civil Engineering. Academic knowledge, critical thinking, sound judgment etc are areas that require the attention of candidates. Publisher: MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS; Revised & Improved Edition edition (2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 9383643706 ISBN-13: 978-9383643707 Price: Rs.288.00/-  [Purchase Now] 


Part I – Written Examination Part II – Viva voce

For Statistics-I·         Probability

·         Statistical Methods

·         Numerical Analysis

·         Computer application and Data Processing

For Statistics-II·         Linear Models

·         Statistical Inference and Hypothesis Testing

·         Official Statistics

For Statistics-III·         Sampling Technique

·         Econometrics

·         Applied Statistics

For Statistics-III·         Operations Research and Reliability

·         Demography and Vital Statistics

·         Survival Analysis and Clinical Trial

·         Quality Control

·         Multivariate Analysis

·         Design and Analysis of Experiments

·         Computing with C and R


(a) General English 100 Marks (b) General Studies 100 Marks (c) Statistics-I 200 Marks (d) Statistics-II 200 Marks (e) Statistics-III 200 Marks (f) Statistics-IV 200 Marks. The UPSC Indian Economic Service / Indian Statistical Service Exam Previous Model Papers Download available in the UPSc Official Website.

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Syllabus For UPSC Engineering Services General Aptitude PDF

In case of extreme view justify it completely. Civil Engineering Mechanical Engineering Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communication Engineering.

course curriculum in nearly all institutions/universities. share it...000 Related posts:BHEL Syllabus Exam Pattern 2015, Engineering services exam 2016, application form RRB Junior Engineer Exam Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2015-Complete Details PPSC Civil Services Syllabus 2015 Prelims exam pattern IES Answer Key 2013, UPSC IES Engineering Exam 2013 Paper-I,II Answer Sheet/ Solution/ Cutt off marks APPSC Group 1 Syllabus 2016, prelims Mains APPSC Exam pattern, UPPSC Junior Engineer Syllabus 2015 Exam Pattern UPSC CDS Exam Pattern 2014, UPSC CDS Recruitment Exam Pattern 2014 TSPSC AEE Syllabus 2015 Executive Engineer Exam Pattern. observations, properties of least square estimators, generalized inverse of a matrix and solution of normal.

IES Syllabus for Mechanical Engineering


To prepare career in this section is not a simple task.

Bivariate and multivariate data. Labour—Employment, unemployment and underemployment, industrial relations and labour welfare—.

Equity markets, Role of primary and secondary markets and efficiency, Derivatives.

At least a bachelor’s degree in Engineering (B.E./B.Tech) from a recognised university (or) an Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) i.e., A.M.i.e., (or) equivalent.

Concept of interpolation and extrapolation: Newton Gregory’s forward and backward interpolation formulae for. All the candidates Download Syllabus here and if you have any query then go to the Official website of the UPSC..

Only those candidates who will qualify Stage -I will be permitted to appear in Stage-II examination.

Stress and strain in two dimensions.

Electronics Engineering. For IES Exam Pattern :-.

Civil Engineers appearing for ESE are selected for the following posts- Indian Railway Service of Engineers, Indian Railway Stores service, Central Engineering services, Military Engineer Service, Assistant Executive Engineer, Survey of India Service, Central Water Engineering

            CIVIL ENGINEERING PAPER – I (objective and conventional type papers)
Different types and species of structural timber, density-moisture relationship, strength in different directions, defects, influence of defects on permissible stress, preservation, dry and wet rots codal provisions for design, Plywood.Types, Indian Standard classification, absorption, saturation factor, strength in masonry, influence of mortar strength on masonry strength.
Cement Compounds of, different types, setting times, strength.
Compounds of, different types, setting times, strength.
Ingredients, proportions, water demand, mortars for plastering and masonry.
Importance of W/C Ratio, Strength, ingredients including admixtures, work ability, testing for strength, elasticity, non-destructive testing, mix design methods.
. Open channel flows, Hydraulic jump.

Personality Test: 275 Marks


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CMS 2016, Combined Medical Services Exam, CMS Syllabus, CMS Dates and Notification, Eligibility

General awareness questions and answers.

(b)  a subject of Nepal, or.

Social and community Medicine.

Alimentary tract (Oesophagus, Stomach, Intestines, Anus, Developmental).

Comprehension and cohesion..

Share Facebook Twitter Google + LinkedIn Pinterest Related Articles JSSC Syllabus 2016 PDF Download Prelims/Mains Exam Pattern

. UPSC CMS Surgery Syllabus:. Union Public Service Commission Examination – UPSC Time Table 2016 ( UPSC Exam Timetable 2016 ) More Details…. dependent on the syllabus so it is very important factor and resource for the.

NDA KA SYLLABUS – Most of participant’s are not aware of syllabus of UPSC nda exam that what to prepare for NDA? here I tell you nda full syllabus in the proper manner. Combined Medical Services Exam Pattern.

UPSC Admit CardUPSC Results. Visit the official website Click on the recruitment option Find the medical officer syllabus Download it for preparation. But its introduction in the preliminary level could mean a brighter chance for all those whose English language skills are better, to qualify for the Main. Communicable Diseases..

iv.     Impact of changing demographic trends on health, environment and society;. The Union Public Service Commission has recently published a notification for fill up combined medical Service vacancies through the written examination and as per organization rules

PaperNDA PaperMarksDuration
IMathematics3002.30 hours
IIGeneral ability Test600
SSB Interview Test900
. ix.     Infections / Communicable Diseases
. Subject Total Questions Total Marks Surgery 40 questions 250 Marks (Total) Gynecology & Obstetrics 40 questions Preventive & Social Medicine 40 questions. Union Public Service Commission Syllabus for Paper 2.

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CDS Syllabus 2016 (Download UPSC CDS Exam Sample Paper & Study Material)

Read more About Examrace. © Mindsprite Solutions 2008-2016.

CDS Exam is being conducted for posts-. The CDS Exam is being scheduled by Union public Service Commission.

Set language and set notation, rational expressions and conditional identities, Laws of indices..

Indian Military Academy Indian Navy Academy Air Force Academy Officers Training Academy- OTA.

UGC NET Syllabus 2016 Exam Study Material with Question Paper Pattern. UPSC CDS Exam Previous Year papers CHECK.

Fundamental Operations addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, Square roots, Decimal, fractions. Unitary method, time and distance, time and work, percentages, applications to simple and compound interest, profit and loss, ratio and proportion, variation.. It is responsible to recruit employees in vacant posts, promotion of existing employees, arrange examination and interviews to select deserving and suitable candidates for various posts


UPSC CDS EXAM ELIGIBILITY CONDITONS CHECK. UGC NET 2016 Application Form Online Registration Exam Dates Notification.

Job Location: All Over India.. PAPER – 3: ELEMENTARY MATHEMATICS: 

. DMRC Syllabus 2016 PDF (JE Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics, Civil)
PIN (Persons in News)326
% ouf of 1206%5%12%
. The candidates can check out the previous papers of CDS Exam to know about the exam questions of different field.

Intelligent and Personality Test:. General Knowledge including knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects as may be expected of an educated person who has not made a special study of any scientific subject. DBRAU Date Sheet 2016 Download BA, B.Com, B.Sc, LLB Other Exams Time Table.

For Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA) and Air force Academy (AFA):.

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UPSC Exam Calendar 2016 to 2017-UPSC Exams Syllabus Download

Differential Calculus. SCRA Application Form SCRA Exam Pattern SCRA Question Paper SCRA Eligibility Criteria SCRA Result SCRA Admit Card Best Tips / Ways to Overcome Exam Fear Tips to Get 100% Results in Exams 3 Lac Jobs In Top MNC's In India Apply Online Today Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window) Related UPSC SCRA Syllabus 2016.

Hydroxyl Compounds: Preparation, properties and uses of Primary, Secondary and tertiary alcohols, Methanol, Ethanol, Glycerol and Phenol, Substitution reaction at aliphatic carbon atom..

So, all the unemployed people interested to work in mechanical department visit official website and gather more information. UPSC SCRA Examination will be scheduled on 03.01.2016.

UPSC SCRA Syllabus for Physical Sciences. specific heat of gases. The questions asked here will be designed to assess the basic intelligence and mechanical aptitude of the candidate.. Visit the SCRA exam dates page for further details.. Variance and standard deviation – determination and comparison. Algebra: Concept of a set, Union and Intersection of sets, Complement of a set, Null set, Universal set and Power set, Venn diagrams and simple applications. Their names would appear in the result and they shall be called for personality test cum interview. (f) must have passed the first year examination under the five year Engineering Degree Course of a University : Provided that before joining the Degree Course, he/she passed the Higher Secondary Examination orpre-University or equivalent Examination in the first or second division. Physical standards – candidate must be physically and mentally fit as per the guidelines.

Click here for Paper I Syllabus.

Undoubtedly, Indian Railways is one of the important sections of the Indian Government, known for generating plethora of employment opportunities every year in its various departments


Keep checking this space for updates on the SCRA 2013 e-admission certificate..

Female candidates and SC/ST/PH candidates are not required to pay any of amount as scra form fees.

Paper- II

  • Length measurements using vernier,
  • Screw gauge,
  • Speedometer and optical lever measurement of time and mass
  • Straight line motion and relationships among   placements,
  • Velocity and acceleration
  • Newton’s Laws of Motion,
  • Momentum, impulse, work, energy and power
  • Coefficient of friction
  • Equilibrium of bodies under action of Forces
  • Moment of a force, couple
  • Newton’s Law of Gravitation
  • Escape velocity Acceleration due to gravity
  • Mass and Weight; Centre of gravity,
  • Uniform circular motion, centripetal force,
  • Simple Harmonic motion
  • Simple pendulum
  • Force on a current-carrying conductor in magnetic field; moving coil galvanometers; conversion to ammeter orvoltmeter.
  • Chemical effects of current; Primary and storage cells and their functioning
  • Laws of electrolysis
  • Electromagnetic induction; Simple A.C. and D.C. generators
  • Transformers, Induction Coil,
  • Cathode rays, discovery of the electron,
  • Bohr model of the atom
  • Diode and its use as a rectifier
  • Production, properties and uses of Grays
  • Radioactivity; Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays
  • Nuclear energy; fission and fusion,
  • Conversion of mass into energy,
  • Chain reaction
  • Atomic structure
  • Atomic radii, Electro-negativity in period and groups.
  • Chemical Bonding
  • electro-valent, covalent
  • coordinates covalent bonds
  • Bond properties, sigma and Pie bonds
  • Shapes of simple molecules like water
  • Hydrogen sulphide, methane and ammonium chloride
  • Molecular association and hydrogen bonding
  • Energy changes in a chemical reaction Exothermic and Endothermic Reactions Application of First Law of Thermodynamics, Hess’s Law of constant heat summation.
  • Chemical Equilibriums and rates of reactions
  • Law of Mass action.
  • Effect of Pressure,
  • Temperature and concentration on the rates of reaction
  • Natural and Artificial Radioactivity: Nuclear Fission and Fusion. Uses of Radioactive
Organic Chemistry
  • Tetrahedral nature of carbon
  • Hybridization and sigma pie bonds and their relative strength
  • Single and multiple bonds
  • Shapes of molecules
  • Geometrical and optical somerism
  • General methods of preparation
  • Properties and reaction of alkenes
  • Alkenes and alkynes
  • Petroleum and its refining
  • Halogen derivatives
  • Chloroform
  • Carbon Tetrachloride
  • Chlorobenzene,
  • Hydroxyl Compounds: Preparation, properties and uses of Primary, Secondary and tertiary alcohols, Methanol
  • Fats and Lipids, amino acids and proteins – Vitamins and hormones.
. Work done by a force and moment of a force.Statistics and probability: Statistics: Frequency distribution, cumulative frequency distribution – examples.

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UPSC Geologist Exam 2015 Syllabus & Model Questions with Previous Year Papers

Detailed information regarding UPSC Geologist Syllabus, UPSC Geophysicist Syllabus, UPSC Chemist Syllabus and UPSC Junior Hydrogeologists Syllabus is provided in their notification..

S.No Paper Subject Marks Duration 1. We provide all the latest information about the Govt Jobs, admit cards, examination dates, syllabus, model question paper and answer key for all over India.

Optical properties of normal rock structuring minerals; Pleochroism, annihilation edge, twofold refraction, birefringence, twinning and scattering in minerals.

Mechanism of some reactions.

Part-II consists of Interview/Personality Test.

Chemistry Paper III 3 Hours 200 Chemistry Paper III Syllabus  Category - IV: Jr

S.No. Paper / Subject Duration Marks
1 General English 3 Hours 100
Category – I: Geologists
2 Geology Paper I 3 Hours 200
3 Geology Paper II 3 Hours 200
4 Geology Paper III 3 Hours 200
Category – II: Geophysicists
2 Geophysics Paper I 3 Hours 200
3 Geophysics Paper II 3 Hours 200
4 Geophysics Paper III 3 Hours 200
Category – III: Chemists
2 Chemistry Paper I 3 Hours 200
3 Chemistry Paper II 3 Hours 200
4 Chemistry Paper III 3 Hours 200
Category – IV: Jr. Hydrogeologists   
2 Geology Paper I 3 Hours 200
3 Geology Paper II 3 Hours 200
4 Hydrogeology 3 Hours 200

Opening Date for Online Registration: 06th February, 2016 Closing/ Last Date for Submission of Online Application Form: 04th March, 2016 (11:59 PM) Written Examination Date: 13th May, 2016. The Aspirants can view and download subject wise papers on this page such as IGS Chemistry Previous Years (Past) Papers & sample papers for Indian Geologists Services chemistry entrance exam for years. UNIT V- Paleontology (Evolution and stratigraphic importance of Ammonoids, Application of Micropaleontology in oil exploration, Gondwana flora with their significance, Field and Laboratory techniques of Micropaleontology, Trilobites and Graptolites and paleoclimatic conditions)

. II  Geophysics I 200 3 Hours 3. It is mandatory to understand the entire topics. Solid state physics Laser system Laser cavity modes Electrical devices Digital electronics Quantum mechanics. The UPSC Chemist Syllabus is also available on the official website for download.

UPSC Geologist Exam Eligibility Details. The subject that is concerned about the evolution, structure and dynamics of the earth, energy resources and the natural resources, is known as Geology


· Geophysicist, group A.

So, the roles web sites are exceptionally nice for the candidates to prepare for his or her written authorities recruiting exams all through the nation.

Work Location : India. UNIT VI- Hydrogeology (Groundwater quality, Groundwater pollution, vertical distribution of Groundwater, Aquifers, Groundwater movement, Hydrologic cycle, origin of Groundwater).

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UPSC Combined Geo- Scientist & Geologist Exam Syllabus/ Pattern

Circumstances Details and Dates 1  Organization name Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) 2 Exam name UPSC 208 Combined Geo- Scientists & Geologists recruitment 2016 3 Vacancies 208 posts 4 Exam Date 13th May 2016 5 Job Role Combined Geo- Scientists & Geologists  6 Starting date 6th February 2016 7 Last date of application 04th March 2016 8 Portal Link

Exam Dates: From 13th may 2016.. For SC/ ST/ Feminine/ PH Candidates: Nil

Test Subject Marks Time duration
Written Test English 100  3 hours
Geology  1 200 3 hours
Geology  2 200 3 hours
Hydrology 200 3 hours
. Category I: (posts inside the geological survey of India, Ministry of Mines).. Organo-metallic compounds.

Answers must be in English only.


Applicants who want to apply for UPSC Geologist Exam 2016 must fill UPSC online application form 2016 on or before the closing date that is 4th March, 2016.

. degree in Physics/ Applied Physics/ Geophysics/ Exploration Geophysics/ Applied Geophysics/ Marine Geophysics or equivalent 03.

The application process will undoubtedly be extended till the final day that is on February 2016 to the hiring.

Payment will be done via Online as well as Offline methods both and after the successful payment the application form filling for Combined Geo-Scientist & Geologist is completed. I General English 100 3 Hours 2.

To get selected for a job candidates have to qualify in two rounds of selection process, first is written examination and another is personal interview..

Board/Department Services Age Limits Geological Survey of India Central Ground Water Board (iv)              Geologist Group ‘A’. Job Location: Anyplace in India..

The object of the interview is to assess his/her suitability for the posts for which he/she has competed. Geophysical Signal Processing.

Note: The Age Relaxations for Different Class of candidates is according to the Rules applicable.. Admit Card (Examination): 011-23098543. Generally the UPSC will conduct the combined Geo-scientist and geologist examination once in a year. Sampling and treatment of samples for chemical analysis.

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