Asocijacije - Pink Panter
Pred vama je jedna od najpopularnijih igara iz Slagalice ââ¬â Asocijacije, ali u potpuno novom i daleko zanimljivijem obliku.
Da li ste dovoljno veÃ
¡ti da postanete ÃÂlan nadaleko ÃÂuvene bande Pink Panteri?
Koliko brzo moÃ
¾ete otkljuÃÂati sef i uzeti dijamante iz njega?
Sve ovo zavisi od toga koliko ste dobri u igri ASOCIJACIJA.
Neuporedivo bolji vizuelni doÃ
¾ivljaj. Intrigantna priÃÂa. Nove uloge.
Igranje protiv drugih igraÃÂa, kao u orginalnoj igri, potez po potez. ViÃ
¡e partija istovremeno.
Nadmetanje sa drugim igraÃÂima na turnirima.
Igra zahteva internet konekciju.
IgraÃÂ je ÃÂlan bande Pink Panteri. ReÃ
¡avanjem asocijacija otkljuÃÂava sefove i uzima zlato i dijamante iz njih. ReÃ
¡enje kolone je lozinka koja otkljuÃÂava vrata pomoÃâ¡nog sefa, a konaÃÂno reÃ
¡enje je glavna lozinka koja otvara ceo sef.
Svoj napredak igraÃÂ prati na mapi. Mapa ga vodi kroz razliÃÂite gradove, a u svakom gradu pred njim je nekoliko misija. Misija je uspeÃ
¡no zavrÃ
¡ena kada igraàsakupi dovoljno zlata i dijamanata da napravi dragocenost ÃÂije je nalaÃ
¾enje bilo zadatak misije.
Koliko daleko moà ¾ete da stignete?
In front of you is one of the most popular games of Jigsaw - the Association, but in a completely new and far more interesting form.Are you skilled enough to become widely known gang member of Pink Panther?
How fast can you unlock the safe and take the diamonds out of it?
All of this depends on how good you are in the game ASSOCIATION.
Incomparably better visual experience. Intriguing story. The new roles.
Playing against other players, like in the original game, move by move. More parties simultaneously.
Competing with other players in tournaments.
The game requires an internet connection.
The player is a member of the Pink Panthers gang. Solving the association unlocked safes and takes gold and diamonds from them. Solution column is the password that unlocks the door extra safe, a final solution is a master password which opens the whole safe.
Player monitors your progress on the map. Site takes him through different cities, and each city before him several missions. The mission was successfully completed when the player has collected enough gold and diamonds to make a valuable asset whose task was finding missions.
How far can you reach?
Download Link : Link
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